Thursday, August 07, 2008

Bored Blogging

Got this comment from my last post:
Say, how come you never write anything unless you go somewhere? Is your day-to-day life that boring?

I started to answer the comment with a comment, but, figured I'd just post one instead.

I'm not really much for blogging my day-to-day life. Not that it's overly boring, I just don't think that people would want to read about the day-to-day workings of a mild mannered programmer. Mild mannered...hehe.

I had been scheduled to head off on another backpacking trip tomorrow morning. But, everyone but Trent backed out. Such is life. I'll post something after I have another glorious adventure. I mean, do you really want me to blog about my commute? The goings on at work? Politics? ::shudder::

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I'm just going to throw my two cents into the already overflowing response to this controversial issue...

    Nah. Blogs that are just self-indulgent diary posts about the minutia of some average guy's life are incredibly boring. Unless the blogger is famous or a really hot chick. Or of course, a really hot famous chick. Seeing as how, to my knowledge, you are none of these things, I believe you have made the right call in only posting when there's something interesting to post about.

    I think the real solution is that you must start doing more interesting things, and more frequently. :D
    Okay just kidding. I do wish you'd write more stuff though, as I enjoy your writing style immensely.
