Friday, February 16, 2007

Cricket Tipping

So, I gave in and watched highlights of the cricket game between England and Australia. First, the *highlights* of the game took a half hour. Next, I think I understand most of the game now. I'm still a bit fuzzy on some of it and have had pieces here and there cleared up for me by a guy here in the office. It's not too bad of a game once you understand it. I still don't think that I would go out of my way to watch it though.

I'm a little surprised at some of the restaraunt service around here. The service isn't bad. But, it's not always fanstastic. Although, it does seem to be the better the food is the worse the service is. I get mediocre food and waitstaff that is constantly checking on me. I have a good meal, and I can't find someone to get me another pint and have to pry the bill out from them. Maybe they don't realize that I'm American. I'm a friggen goldmine. Tipping is bred into me. It's something I *have* to do otherwise I feel bad. I keep being told that you don't tip over here unless you get exceptional service. But, as I said, I feel bad if I don't tip at least something. So, if I get crappy service, I don't have that much of an issue leaving a pound for tip. But, if I get good service and I put down an *actual* tip of 15%. That has to make it worth while to stop by every now and again to check on me, right?

Hell I tipped the girl tending bar a couple pounds at the end of the night and she asked what it was for. I told her it was the tip and looked at her funny. She said that the normal tip they receive is just some 15p (about 30 cents). It just blows me away.

CRAP! I just had to fill the tank of the car. The price on the sign doesn't look too bad; 89p. That's per liter, though. It took me 40L to fill the car up to a total of 35£! That's almost $70...for a tank of friggen unleaded gasoline. I don't understand how these people can drive with those prices. I'm surprised that there hasn't been riots in the street. Let's do a little math, shall we?

There are ~3.8L per Gallon. At 89p per liter, that's about 3.38£ per gallon. The conversion is nearly 2:1 and that comes out to? Yup, $6.76/Gallon of unleaded gas. We complain loudly if the price gets up around 3.00.


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hey Dude,

    Well I guess it's nice to know that someone else is paying much higher gas prices than us, HA! They should all drive the hybrids overthere or something in revolt of the gas prices. Hmmm I'm looking forward to a nice fatty 3-day weekend here and I'm starting it out the perfect way, yes that means happy hour starts at 4:30pm today. Wilma and possible Kiddoo and peeps are suppose to hook up at Las Olas in Cardiff today to get our drink on. Ya I know you're sorry you're gonna miss it. . .I have one for you, and no that won't be a Guiness. Sorry as you know I can't drink that stuff.

    Well have a great weekend over there!
    -Happy Couple

  2. Have been enjoying your jaunts and exploits. I know many others are also based on the comments. Unlike the Happy Couple, I will have a Guiness for you because as you know I love the stuff and even things darker like Rasputin. I will have a couple ready for you when you get here. Time seems to be flying by here I do not know if it is moving as fast for you. Keep up the stories, it is something to look forward to every other day or so.

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    And here I thought "Cricket Tipping" was some obscure British pastime.

    Yeah, when I was over in the UK, the Brit I was with, Andrew, was astounded by all the tipping -- he even forcibly stopped me from tipping after a while!

    And I totally understand about the gas prices there. At first it looks like you're getting a deal, but then you do all the conversions and wonder why there's a single petrol engine left in the country!

  4. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Well sure, they don't get all bent out of shape about gas prices there... The whole country is what, 30 miles across tops? How far can they drive anyway? ;)
