Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Football Temperature

Criminy! Only Tuesday and I'm done with this week. This project is a real pain sometimes. But, the only people who want to hear updates about how work is going are on a different distribution list :). So, I'll leave it at that.

The temperature got down to 4.5 degrees Celsius on the way home tonight. That's just over 40 degrees in real temperature :). Getting cold around these parts. I hope it stays around that temperature. I enjoy the cold. But, not too cold, mind you. Especially without my heavy jacket :).

John and I had dinner in the pub again. We were expecting to watch the Liverpool game. After not seeing the game come on I wandered up to the publican and asked about the game. He started flipping channels until he found it. Awesome. We'd already missed 15 minutes of the game but nobody had scored yet. That was just a matter of time. By the end of the night Liverpool had won 8 to nil in a wonderful show of fancy football. It was the largest margin of win for a game in that league's history.

Teams play in multiple leagues out here. It would be like the Padres playing in the National League and also competing in a league in South America and also in a league with both Canadian teams as well as Puerto Rican teams. So, there are multiple championships going on at once. Multiple games. Just because you won today and last Thursday, doesn't mean you're doing well. Both of those games may have been for different standings. Your favorite team could play every three days. Football all the time. It's wonderful :).


  1. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Wow, you slipped quite a few updates in while I wasn't looking. Aside for your unhealthy obsession with this "football" ritual, it sounds like you're having a grand time. I'm glad someone else got a laugh out of Woodhenge. John sounds like a bit of a tightwad, though... never wanting to spend the extra cash.

  2. To be fair, John was pretty tired when we got to Stonehenge. A couple hours walking around in that place would have probably done him in. And at the Tower of London we had an awful lot to see there. I had told him I spent several hours in that place.
