Monday, February 19, 2007


This morning finds me without a good idea of what to do. Shall I drive to York for the day? How about driving out to another castle location? The options are endless...well, not really. The problem with any of these ideas is I decided I had no major plans so I purposefully didn't even *set* the alarm. It's almost 9:30 now and I'm running out of exploratory daylight. I walked around all over London yesterday and really don't feel like walking around all of today. I know...candy-ass. Hey, it's my weekend, dammit. As long as *I'm* satisfied with it, you'll all read about it and be happy.

So, after mulling it over at breakfast I decide that I'll drive somewhere and see something. I'd gotten a couple comments about something and figured that since this was a makeup's off to Woodhenge. Yup, very close to Stonehenge that I missed when I was out there last weekend. Was it only last weekend? Wow...seems like weeks ago for me. ::shrug::

So, I plug in woodhenge into the navigation system. It tells me to pound sand. I ask it nicely with voice commands and it tells me that it can't find any theaters at this zoom level. Fine, show me Stonehenge. What the hell, I know it's around there. Off I go. About an hour and a half later, I find it. I am *severely* disappointed. I'll post the pictures here so you can share my disappointment. I stare stupidly at the arrangement of stumps. Yup, I think I would enjoy looking at crop circles about as much as this. At least Stonehenge is right around the corner. I'll head back and look at it for a bit.

I almost convince myself to head the other way on the M25 for a small adventure. The M25 is a circle motorway around London. Heading clockwise from the 7:30ish position I need to get to the 1:30ish spot. Either way is about the same if it were a perfect circle. But, the counter-clockwise route is longer and there's a small toll going under the Thames. So, I figure I'll just head back for now.

Small stubby cars are pretty popular around here. If you had an SUV here you'd probably never drive it. I don't think it's the gas prices that do it. Although, having to spend $140 every week to fill it would definitely put a damper on wanting to own it. But, it's the parking lots and spaces that would be driving you mad. The slots are dinky and there is as little room as possible in the parking lots. Hell, there isn't even room on the side of the road to park. People just pick a side and park (facing either way). Sure, it cuts off half the road so you have to wait for a spot in oncoming traffic to get around. But, it seems to be what people do here. Widen the roads to make room for parking, you say? I don't think "they" want anybody driving. Think about it. No room to park. No room to drive. Insanely high gas prices. Ridiculous looking compact cars everywhere you go. No. There's a force at work here to try and push people away from driving. Hell, the Ford Fiesta is a popular model over here!


  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I know I mentioned Woodhenge to you, but that was more of a "joke" destination than a serious suggestion you go take a look at it. Yeah, it's interesting to go see if you're already in the area (visiting Stonehenge, for example), but it's certainly not worth a trip just for itself. Sorry 'bout that!

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I think I'm partially to blame for this one too. I think I was remembering the History/Discover Channel feature as being much more interesting than the site actually turned out to be...

    The experience "Gee. Wow. It's a bunch of holes. I'm underwhelmed."

    The spirit "It was on this site that the Neolithic peoples built a wooden equivalent to Stonehenge. (blah blah, yada yada)."

